Monday, January 26, 2009


The other day my older teens/20 and their friends were watching a movie my 13 year old wasn't allowed to see. I made the comment to the girls, "This is such a dark story". One of them replied; "It's reality, mom!" And I said, "perhaps it is for some, but most of us do not experience a reality that is so without hope."

And it makes me wonder. What is my reality? When it begins to feel that nothing is working out the way I planned. When my faith takes a back seat to my fear. When I forget how very much I am loved. At those times, in the wee hours of the morning when I am tempted to give in to the lie that my sins are still being held against me... I forget that "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus".

So what is my reality??


Heather said...

what movie?

6wayintersection said...

yeah, when I am in a scary/dark situation in real life, I can pray (if I remember) to the God who hears.
If I'm "in" a scary/dark movie... it feels more hopeless - because the situation is not real, God is not real in it.